
Its the Little Moments

Right now your world may feel like it’s in a tailspin. You may still be going to work everyday and each day seems like there is a new policy in place and everything has to change again. You might have to be quarantined due to an exposure and you are stuck at home wondering what to do with your time, probably freaking out a little and calling to make a testing appointment. Perhaps you are fretting over your finances and wondering how to pay all the bills due to cut backs in hours or loss of work.

Right now is so hard. Parents are panicked trying to make this the best they can for their kids and ensure they still get an education. Employees are stressed over whether they will be able to keep their jobs. Business owners are sweating the possibility of closing for good. Everyone is in a hard place.

Every once in a while though, I turn it all off. I shut off my phone and leave it in another room. I shut off the TV for the day. I grab a ball and I sit down on the floor with my kids and we roll the ball back and forth and I let all my worries roll away for a moment.

You and I, we all need those little moments of peace. Where we aren’t thinking about our worries or struggles. Where the only thought in our heads is the sound of our child’s laughter. Those are the moments your children will remember when they are adults. When they can better understand the struggle we were going through and how precious it was that you stopped what you were doing to throw a ball back and forth. Those adorable little moments will be what you carry with you into your elderly years as well. You will remember forever that giggle and those chubby cheeks.

Its the little moments. Make them happen.