
My COVID Vaccine Experience

Last week I went and got my COVID-19 vaccine, and this, was my experience.

I receieved the sinlge dose Johnson & Johnson Janssen Vaccine.

First of all, even though there were many people at the vaccine clinic, the process was quite effecient and rapid. I went in and the instructions were clear and I had no wait time whatsoever. Other people I have spoken to that have also received vaccines at other places have reported the same quick and streamlined process. I happened to have my child with me, and the nurses and staff were so kind to him. He was quite enamored with all the attention he got.

The shot itself did not hurt at all. I barely felt it, and it was over so quickly, it took my kid longer to get a sticker off the backing and onto his shirt than to give me the vaccine. Afterwards, I was instructed to sit in the waiting area for 15 minutes to make sure I did not experience any severe reactions. I did not and so when my 15 minutes were up, I left.

We went to a birtday party, and then to the grocery store, and then went home and played a board game and I was feeling fine. My arm didn’t even hurt. About 8:30pm I started getting really tired and decided I should go to bed. But after crawling into bed, I couldn’t get warm. For me, this is a pretty big indicator that I am sick, so I got up and checked my tempurature. It was 99.7. I grabbed some extra blankets and got back into bed, but was unable to get comfortble. I didn’t sleep much that night. My body was stiff and no position I curled up in was cozy enough for sleeping.

The next day, my temperature ranged from 99.1 to 100.4 throughout the day. I was generally achy and uncomfortable. I’d finally get into a position that was tolerable and start dozing off, but just as I was drifting off either a child, my partner, or the cat would appear and wake me back up. I laid in bed and watched movies all day. Finally, I’d had enough and asked my partner to go to the store and get me some medicine.

After I took the medicine I did feel a bit better. I got up and ate some snack foods and even played a little bit of a video game with the kids. My fever finally started dropping around 7:30pm. The papers I was given said symptoms would last about 24-48 hours, and my fever lasted right about that 24 hour mark.

The next morning I was certainly feeling better, but still very tired and had a solid headache. This could be a side effect of the vaccine, or because I hadn’t had any good sleep and been tied up in all kinds of shapes trying to find a comfy spot. I am unsure, but either way, it was still caused because I’d gotten that shot.

By the following day, I felt fine. All aches and tiredness had passed. I’d gotten a good rest the night before and was ready for the day. This was now 72 hours after the vaccine. Those first 48 hours were the worst, but all had also gotten better. I was feeling good.

If you are planning on receiving the single dose vaccine I would plan on at least two days of just generally not feeling great. I have a pretty powerful immune system and think I’m pretty spry and healthy, but this still knocked me down for a day. If you don’t wish to miss any work, I’d try to get an appointment for a Friday evening to give yourself Saturday and Sunday to rest and recouperate.

Ultimatley, I’d rather be feverish for a 24-48 hour period than risk COVID. I’d also say that whichever vaccine is available to you, get it. The others have the two doses, but I’ve also heard they knock you out for at least a day as well. Be prepared for a day of ick, but in the grand scheme, that day is worth it.