
Beauty Tips from Elderly Women

There are a plethora of beauty lines out there, all claiming to be the best magic cure for your skin care routine. We all strive to keep our youthful glow as we grow older and use various creams and ointments to accomplish this.

Stepping aside here to take note of the fact that when you are 55, you will not be able to still look 25, no matter what you use, because nature doesn’t work that way. There is a kind of unspoken pressure to always appear striking and youthful, even when we age. For some reason natural aging is shameful and should be covered up. For that matter any natural blemish is shameful and should be covered. But this caveat is a topic for another day.

I have had several elderly relatives in my life that I knew growing up. As a kid, I didn’t really take heed of their advice. I just filed it away under “whatever, I might need that in the future”. Trust me younger people, you will probably end up needing that in the future. Listen to the elderly. Another caveat for another day.

I’ve also noticed in the make-up videos I’ve seen, most women have blemishes, acne, scars, circles and splotches. I have often found myself berating my own skin because it isn’t perfect. Nobodies skin is perfect. No one’s. If it looks perfect, it’s because the blemishes have been covered. You are not flawed or ugly for having a spot.

Each person has different skin. This is why there never can be one magic skin routine. What happens to work on my skin, may make your skin blotchy, dry, or break out. I, for instance, have extremely sensitive skin, and the products a lot of other people use irritate my skin. I’ve had a lot of products thrown at me that did nothing or made the issue worse. So I’m not here to give you my skin care routine or products. What I am going to do is give you three tips some older ladies gave to me about their skin. And keep in mind, these women were old, and they definitely looked old. But when you are in your 90s and still looking vibrant and only 70, you are looking brilliant. I think their skin care was working, and through practice have earned the right to say, their tactics work.

1. Always Move in an Upward Motion

When applying cream, makeup, or any other contact with your face, never tug downwards on your skin. Always apply in an upward motion. This minimizes skin sagging and wrinkles. Now, it won’t eliminate either of those things, as both are natural occurrences of growing old, but it helps to keep them at a minimum. Always move upwards.

2. NEVER Touch Your Face

My elderly aunt told me this years ago, and I was like, whatever, who cares? I care now! Your hands are touching all kinds of things throughout the day, and when you touch your face, you transfer all that dirt and germs to your face. We’ve all been forced to learn this rather harshly through the pandemic how much touching our faces spreads illness. Touching your face is bad for your skin and your health. Don’t do it. Not that I can berate anyone for doing this. I’ve caught myself so much putting my hands on my face. I’ve got to keep reminding myself to stop doing it. Its a hard habit to break.

3. Be Consistent

I can remember my grandmother every day sitting down at her table and pulling out everything she put on her face. Washing and cleaning it and then applying her lotions and creams and explaining everything she was doing to me. I remember her telling me, “just washing your face with a bar of soap every day is leagues better than doing nothing at all.” Your body gets dirty as you go about your day, and its necessary to clean all that dirt away. Even something as simplistic as washing your face with soap will help. Set an alarm for yourself so you won’t forget. Make washing your face a part of your daily routine. Brush your teeth and then wash your face. Every day.

So, to recap, Always move in an upward motion, never touch your face, and be consistent. Take the advice of some youthful elderly women, and keep that skin of yours vibrant.

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